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Special content about coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) in Medicina Intensiva (English Edition)

Reply to Consensus document on tracheotomy in patients with COVID 19
G. Pérez Acosta, D. González Romero, L. Santana-Cabrera
Med Intensiva. 2021;45:253-4
Open Article
Reply to “Consensus document on tracheotomy in patients with COVID-19”
M.C. Martín Delgado, M. Bernal-Sprekelsen, R. Villalonga Vadell
Med Intensiva. 2021;45:254-5
Open Article
Pharmacological treatment of COVID-19: Narrative review of the Working Group in Infectious Diseases and Sepsis (GTEIS) and the Working Groups in Transfusions and Blood Products (GTTH)
E. Díaz, R. Amézaga Menéndez, P. Vidal Cortés, M.G. Escapa, B. Suberviola, A. Serrano Lázaro, P. Marcos Neira, M. Quintana Díaz, M. Catalán González
Med Intensiva. 2021;45:104-21
Open Article
e-Thrombosis in the COVID-19 era: Collateral effects of confinement
D. Franch-Llasat, E. Mayor-Vázquez, J. Pedregosa-Díaz, M. Herrero-Redondo, X. Ortin-Font, F. Roche-Campo
Med Intensiva. 2021;45:122-4
Open access
Open Article
SARS-CoV-2 or Pneumocystis jirovecii ? A case report
A.B. González Moyano, L. Medina Ramos, M. del Cañizo Moreira, E. Merino de Lucas, M. González Lorenzo, M. Esteban García-Fontecha
Med Intensiva. 2021;45:124-6
Open Article
HLA genetic polymorphisms and prognosis of patients with COVID-19
L. Lorente, M.M. Martín, A. Franco, Y. Barrios, J.J. Cáceres, J. Solé-Violán, A. Perez, J.A. Marcos y Ramos, L. Ramos-Gómez, N. Ojeda, A. Jiménez
Med Intensiva. 2021;45:96-103
Open Article
Comparison of the demographic characteristics and comorbidities of patients with COVID-19 who died in Spanish hospitals based on whether they were or were not admitted to an intensive care unit
Ò. Miró, A. Alquézar-Arbé, P. Llorens, F.J. Martín-Sánchez, S. Jiménez, A. Martín, G. Burillo-Putze, J. Jacob, E.J. García-Lamberetchs, P. Piñera, J. González del Castillo
Med Intensiva. 2021;45:14-26
Open Article
Acute respiratory distress syndrome due to COVID-19. Clinical and prognostic features from a medical Critical Care Unit in Valencia, Spain
P. Ramírez, M. Gordón, M. Martín-Cerezuela, E. Villarreal, E. Sancho, M. Padrós, J. Frasquet, G. Leyva, I. Molina, M. Barrios, S. Gimeno, Á. Castellanos
Med Intensiva. 2021;45:27-34
Open Article
Systematic review of the prognostic utility of D-dimer, disseminated intravascular coagulation, and anticoagulant therapy in COVID-19 critically ill patients
G. Moreno, R. Carbonell, M. Bodí, A. Rodríguez
Med Intensiva. 2021;45:42-55
Open Article
Characteristics of critical patients with COVID-19 in a Spanish second-level hospital
B. Lobo-Valbuena, Mª. García-Arias, R.B. Pérez, D.V. Delgado, F. Gordo
Med Intensiva. 2021;45:56-8
Open Article
Medicina Intensiva (English Edition)
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